Sept. 12, 2023
Regents Excellence Awards
Regents Award for Faculty Excellence
- Responsible for 65 patent filings and tech transfer agreements that resulted in 32 products on the market globally.
- Designed course in electronic systems integration for ag machinery that went from elective to required.
- Nomination letter: "Truly an exceptional individual who has made a tremendous impact on Iowa State."
- One of four featured artists in Iowa Outdoors magazine's special edition for 100th anniversary of Iowa State Parks.
- Former Faculty Senate president (2020-21) and current chair of Standing Committee to Consideration for the Removal of Names from University Property.
- Received the College of Design's Polster Teaching Award (2009).
- Faculty advisor for student professional organization since 2006, helping it earn several national awards.
- Garnered more than $9 million in research awards that support the degree programs for many graduate and undergraduate students. Many of the technologies are in use today.
- Nomination letter: "Teaching is his primary motivation ... and his goal is to provide the toughest, most enjoyable class experience."
- Received 90+ research grants totaling more than $5.1 million.
- Served on university committees, 23 college committees and 19 departmental-level committees.
- Nomination letter: "Internationally recognized as a pre-eminent opinion leader in companion animal gastroenterology."

Regents Award for Staff Excellence
- Oversees all farm personnel (47 staff) and all activities that happen on the farms.
- Works with the more than 1,700 graduate and undergraduate students who come to the farms each year as part of the teaching program.
- Assists 30 faculty conducting research.
- Played a key role in derecho clean-up (2020) by ensuring animal, worker and product safety. Clean up continues today.
- Earned the College of Veterinary Medicine Merit Employee of the Year award (2022); 75% of department faculty and graduate students sent letters of support.
- On a half-time appointment, singlehandedly gathered the appendix material for a 400-page department external review document.
- Helps train many of the new hires throughout the college.
- Developed computer-based remote temperature monitoring system for hundreds of freezers across college to avoid malfunctions.
- Led the construction of the department's human cadaver lab.
- Supervised the renovation of many labs and helped make decisions on best equipment for them.
- Responsible for coordinating the molecular diagnostic case submissions (approximately 35,000 to the VDL last year).
- Nationally recognized for her article in a special issue of the "Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation" focused on laboratory-client interaction.
- Nomination letter: "She's doing pioneering work centered on improving overall quality, efficiency and value of the diagnostic process."
- Earned international recognition by winning the International Allelopathy Society's Grodzinsky Award (2014) for a refereed publication that exemplifies research excellence.
- Nomination letter: "Her work is among the very best studies in the broader area of plant biochemistry and molecular biology."